Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Contact Bibliobus
Centre de ressources
11-13, rue Geespelt
L-3378 Livange
Phone : +352 28 86 61

What are the Bibliobus’ purpose and mission?

The Bibliobus service was created in 2020 by Caritas Jeunes et Familles. The Bibliobus is a resource centre specialised in supporting educational teams in the fields of linguistic development and early plurilingual education.

The Bibliobus’ mission:

  • Stimulate, encourage, and support the development of early linguistic and plurilingual education in childcare facilities;
  • Enable access to different cultures, languages, and stories through books;
  • Raise awareness of an open and positive attitude towards books and all languages;
  • Provide educational resources to support the implementation of the national reference framework.

How do we collaborate?

  • Advice on books suited to children’s ages;
  • Sharing of good practices and ideas;
  • Introduction to various tools;
  • Support on different projects to implement the focus area « language, communication, and media » and plurilingual education.

The Bibliobus team visits childcare facilities to work with the educational team in to analyse the needs of each facility. The team supports staff in planning projects around books and linguistic development. The projects are carried out on-site within the childcare facilities.

Tools to support projects :

    • The Kamishibaï;
    • The story suitcase;
    • The narrative track;
    • The story bag;
    • and many more…



educational material


childcare facilities


kilometers traveled

The Team

A passionate and creative team attentive to professionals, children, and their needs.


Chargée de Direction



What is the target audience?

The target audience includes the educational team of all non-formal education childcare facilities taking care of children aged 0-4 years (e.g., crèches, after-school care facilities). The childcare facilities must have their headquarters in Luxembourg.

How to make a request?

You can contact us via the form below or by sending an email to

The Bibliobus service is free of charge.

The Bibliobus in pictures…

You wish to contact us or have a question?